
Student committees within PA-TSA are a great way for any student to get involved at the state level. The various committees offer students to develop leadership skills at the state level. Each committee is chaired by an elected state officer and potentially vice-chaired by a dedicated member of the association. Any PA-TSA member can sign up to participate on the committees which hold video meetings throughout the year and contribute in various ways to the state delegation. Please adhere to all application deadline dates. 

Bylaw and Resolution Review Committee

Student Chairs: Poorvi Parikh (

Student Vice-Chair: Leevi Toikka

Adult Chair: Jason Kofmehl

Have you ever wanted to change something about PA-TSA? Do you have an interest in or want to learn more about parliamentary procedure? If so, this committee's for you! The Bylaw and Resolution Review Committee is committed to giving members a voice in multiple areas of our organization. This year, I'm excited to announce that our committee will be creating parliamentary procedure materials to help members across the state learn about parly pro and improve on their existing knowledge. Additionally, we'll proudly be once again giving committee members the opportunity and the guidance to draft their own bylaw amendments to be presented at the annual business meeting. Finally, BARRC will be organizing and running the Parly Pro Special Interest Session at the 2024 State Conference. If you want to join this versatile committee, Vice Chair applications are due October 15th, 2023 at 11:59 PM and regular membership applications are due November 1st, 2023 at 11:59 PM.

Plan Of Work

Membership Application

Communications and Promotions Committee

Student Chairs: Haley Mosorjak ( and Julia Carrasco (

Student Vice-Chair: Laahini Addagatla

Adult Chair: Jason Kofmehl

This year, the CAPC Committee will be focusing on enhancing communication within our state as well as contributing towards the promotion of TSA. By creating a new Video Tutorial Series, brainstorming social media material, continuing the PA-TSA newsletter, developing promotional material, and collaborating with other committees, we hope to bring our committee to new heights. If you love using Adobe Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Illustrator, or other production software (or would like to learn), this is the committee for you! We are also looking for people with social media experience. All PA-TSA members, middle and high school, are encouraged to join! Vice Chair applications are due October 15th, 2023 at 11:59 PM and standard membership applications are due November 1st, 2023 at 11:59 PM.

Plan Of Work

Membership Application

Outreach Committee

Student Chair: William Reisner (

Student Vice Chair: Mckenna Smith

Adult Chair: Josh Pennington

The PA-TSA Outreach Committee is responsible for researching and contacting Pennsylvania corporations, STEM organizations, and colleges to expand and enhance PA-TSA's resources and opportunities. The committee's goal is to increase PA-TSA awareness through developing strong, long-lasting relationships. Committee members will help PA-TSA gain sponsorships and partnerships for funding, judging, and hosting special interest sessions. Members may design and write promotional material, research outreach opportunities, connect with students across the state, and more. If you are a middle or high school student interested in helping progress PA-TSA's opportunities, PA-TSA encourages you to apply. Vice-Chair applications are due October 15th, 2023 at 11:59 PM, and standard membership applications are due November 1st, 2023 at 11:59 PM.

Plan of Work

Membership Application

National Service Project Committee

Student Chair: Boyi Chen (

Student Vice Chair: Sahil Reddy

Adult Chair: Dr. Molly Miller

PA-TSA's fundraising efforts are headed by the State Treasurer in collaboration with the members of the National Service Project Committee. These efforts include running and creating several fundraisers for the State Conference and helping PA-TSA chapters with their fundraising efforts to increase the amount of money PA-TSA raises for the American Cancer Society (ACS). This year, the committee will also be working to update the ACS Fundraising page on the PA-TSA website with current information, other past initiatives (fundraising toolkit, pin design contest, etc.), and the form for submitting ACS donations. We will also work to promote general ACS fundraising (Miracle Minutes, Gamers vs. Cancer, etc.) at the regional and state level. If you have any prior experience with fundraising/fundraising outreach or just want to help in the fight against cancer, then the National Service Project Committee is for you! Vice Chair applications are due October 15, 2023 at 11:59 PM and standard membership applications are due November 1, 2023 at 11:59 PM.

Plan of Work

Membership Application

Conference Sessions and Activities Committee

Student Chairs: Krish Mittal ( and Poorvi Parikh (

Student Vice Chair: Anvita Kallam

Adult Chair: Lauren Lapinski

Adult Vice Chair: Jana Bonds

In the Conference Sessions and Activities Committee, the stage is yours to build and deliver a special interest session you'd like at your regional and state conferences! We're very committed to using these sessions to entertain, inform, and energize our members as we hold our conferences later this year. Running a session is a great way to get more involved in PA-TSA and can be super fun, so we'd love it if you joined! New this year, we're excited to announce the implementation of professional development FLEX/Special Interest Sessions. Additionally, the committee helps set up other conference-related items. If you want to be a part of this exciting committee and get involved in TSA, Vice Chair applications are due October 15th, 2023 at 11:59 PM and regular membership applications are due November 1st, 2023 at 11:59 PM.

Plan of Work

Membership Application

Regional Representatives Committee

Student Chair: Margo Wyckoff (

Student Vice Chair:

Regions 1 & 6: Marley Vaughn

Region 3: Boushra Youssef

Region 5: Saharsha Navani

Region 7: Maggie Roat

Region 8: Harper House

Region 9: Brianna Bodolus

Adult Chair: Marie Leatherman

The Regional Representatives Committee fosters the development of initiatives for Regional Conferences. Student representatives have the opportunity to work with their respective Regional Coordinators to create customized initiatives for their region. Each region will have a Lead Representative as well, and interest in this position can be indicated on the committee application. The Regional Representatives Committee is looking forward to optimizing PA-TSA's Regional Conferences and working with members from all over Pennsylvania. Both middle and high school TSA members are welcome and encouraged to join. Lead Representative applications are due October 15th at 11:59 PM and standard membership applications are due November 1st at 11:59 PM.

Plan of Work

Membership Application

Inclusivity Committee

Student Chair: Krish Mittal (

Student Vice Chair: Olivia Goldman-Smith

Adult Chair: Jocelyn Long

PA-TSA is committed to the goal of promoting diversity and inclusion. We acknowledge that there have historically been disparities, both environmental and structural, that have inhibited marginalized groups in STEM. The PA-TSA Inclusivity Committee will work to identify problem areas, develop solutions, and modify institutions in order to build a PA-TSA that is welcoming to and derives talent from all people. Some challenges the Inclusivity committee may undertake but not limited to the following: reaching out to historically underrepresented groups in STEM, highlighting diverse leaders in TSA/STEM, and becoming more responsive to the array of voices found in PA-TSA. If you are a middle or high school student interested in helping to make PA-TSA a more inclusive organization, PA-TSA encourages you to apply. Vice-Chair applications are due October 15th, 2023 at 11:59 PM, and standard membership applications are due November 1st, 2023 at 11:59 PM.

Plan of Work

Membership Application 


Website Initiatives Committee (INACTIVE)

Student Chair: TBD


Student Vice Chair: TBD


Adult Chairs: TBD


The newly-created Website Initiatives Special Committee will work closely with the PA-TSA Board of Directors to investigate how we can best redesign our state website. After extensive, careful, and holistic research and analyses have been completed, the committee will present recommendations to the BOD at the January meeting. We will first scrutinize our websites and those of other states. We will then build design and content recommendations, and finally, work out the finer details relating to special features of the site. If you are interested in Web design, are a good writer, or have experience with WordPress or other platforms, this committee is for you! We are looking not only for people that have good experience in coding but also strong communicators! PA-TSA members, middle or high school, who want to be a part of the most significant change will ever see are encouraged to join! Vice Chair applications are due October 15th 20XX at 11:59 PM and standard membership applications are due November 1st, 20XX at 11:59 PM.


Plan of Work (INACTIVE)


Membership Application (INACTIVE)



Membership Committee (INACTIVE)

Student Chair: TBD


Student Vice Chair: TBD


Adult Chair: TBD


The PA-TSA Membership Committee is dedicated to strengthening Pennsylvania TSA's membership. This committee meets weekly to plan and organize initiatives in hopes of recruiting new schools and guiding new chapters. This committee contacts schools to inform them of the informational materials on the PA-TSA website that they have access to. The committee also conferences with membership committees of other states in order to share ideas and maximize the potential of the committee. This committee is open to PA-TSA members in both middle school or high school. Application are due November 1st, 20XX at 11:59 PM.


Plan of Work (INACTIVE)


Membership Application (INACTIVE)