Become an Officer

Applications will be due by Friday, March 28th, 2025.

Thank you for your interest in running for State Office for PA-TSA! All information is listed and linked below.  Please review and let Ms. Marie Leatherman, State Officer Advisor, know of any questions or concerns.  

Campaign Materials 

  1. Further details for the Campaign process is included in the 2025-2026 PA-TSA State Officer Candidate Packet, below.
  2. On-line Application 
  3. A current head shot as a JPG of TIFF file
  4. PA TSA State Officer Candidate Endorsement Form
  5. If applicable, signed Historian form
  6. A 250 word statement of why you are interested in this position 
  7. The picture and statement will be shared on the PA-TSA website for review by members
  8. Campaign Poster
  9. Each candidate is permitted to display ONE 11" x 17" poster. The poster will be hung in a designated location at the PA-TSA State Conference. The poster will follow the Safety Illustration guidelines. No other items may be displayed by the candidate.
  10. Candidate Handout
  11. Each candidate will be limited to business card size handouts (2" X 3 1/2") to PA-TSA State Conference attendees. Handouts may be handed out at the Candidate Speeches session for Delegates or on a direct one to one basis. They may not be placed in or around Seven Springs, including under or on hotel room doors. No other handout material will be permitted.
  12. Candidate Speech and Q&A session
  13. This session will have all candidates running for elected positions give their speech by office, by alphabetical order of last name within the office. A question and answer session will follow the speeches.
  14. In-person candidate speeches will be given during the State Conference. A video submission of your candidate speech is not required as all speeches will be given on-site.
  15. Candidates solely applying for Historian or Parliamentarian positions will not give a speech or participate in the Q&A session at this time.
  16. Exact details regarding length of speech will be emailed directly to candidates once the application window has closed. The speeches are 2 minutes in length. 

Social Media and Online Content

  1. An online presence for candidates must follow all guidelines listed above.
  2. No discussion of other candidates is permitted.
  3. Any online materials must be reviewed by the candidate's Chapter Advisor(s) prior to posting.
  4. Social media accounts should be private, without followers/without following others, and no information regarding the campaign until the conclusion of the Wednesday evening State Officer Candidate information session.
  5. Any online materials may not be actively advertised for viewing until the beginning of campaigning, at the conclusion of the Wednesday evening State Officer Candidate information session.
  6. Materials may be asked to be removed and/or edited as needed at the discretion of the State Officer Advisor and the PA-TSA BOD.

Historian and Parliamentarian Positions

  1. All candidates for Parliamentarian, as submitted with Candidate Officer Applications, will be emailed separately with information regarding the Parliamentarian Test. The test will be need to be completed at the State Conference, during the testing session. Test scores will be shared with the newly elected SOT for consideration of the Parliamentarian position. 
  2. All candidates for Historian, as submitted with Candidate Officer Applications, should submit the Historian Editing Skills and a sample body of work (REQUIRED). This information will be shared with the newly elected SOT for consideration of the Historian position.
  3. All candidates for Parliamentarian and Historian will have an opportunity to interview the morning of Saturday, April 26 at the State Conference. Further details will be discussed at the State Conference. 
  4. The Parliamentarian and Historian positions will be announced by the newly elected SOT during the Awards Session at Seven Springs on Saturday, April 26. 

Candidate Directions - for your reference

1- Download the Officer Packet, read the packet carefully and make sure you meet the qualifications, have the time to dedicate to TSA and find the office that best suits your skills. You may apply for an elected position, an appointed position (Historian or Parliamentarian), or one of each. Please note that the paperwork for Historian or Parliamentarian also needs to be submitted prior to the deadline, even if you are running for an elected position. 

2- Download the PA-TSA State Officer Candidate Endorsement Form, and have your parents, advisor, principal and superintendent sign the agreement. If you are applying for the position of Historian, fill out the additional form describing your experience in video editing and media production. You will upload these completed documents when you complete the online application. 

3- Complete the simple on-line application, by clicking here.  You will need to have the following items in order to complete the application:

Applications will start February 24th, 2025 until March 28th, 2025.

  • Your signed PA-TSA State Officer Candidate Endorsement Form scanned in as a PDF
  • If applicable, your signed form for the Historian position (scanned)
  • A current "head shot" as a JPG or TIFF file (please try and make sure that it is not upside down or sideways)
  • A 250-word statement of why you are interested in the position (you can copy and paste form any text editing software). Keep in mind, for elected positions, this statement will be posted on the PA-TSA website in advance of the State Conference. The statement will be shared with the newly elected State Officer Team during the interview process for Historian and/or Parliamentarian. 

4- If you are applying for the position of Parliamentarian, you will also need to take a test on parliamentary procedure at the State Conference. Further directions will be shared with applicants for these positions.

If you have any questions about the process, please contact Ms. Marie Leatherman, State Officer Advisor, at 

Thank you for your interest in running for a State Officer position and best of luck!