PA TSA Foundation

The American Industrial Arts Student Association was started by a small group of industrial arts teachers who wanted to provide opportunities for their students to be recognized for their accomplishments and was officially sponsored by the American Industrial Arts Association for a number of years, became an independent nonprofit corporation in 1978 and in 1988 the name was changed to the Technology Student Association to more accurately reflect that which students are now being taught; the technologies of our time. Members have the opportunity to compare their technology competencies with other students through local, regional, state and national competitions. As the club grew from a few hundred members to over 10,000 in Pennsylvania, it was evident that there needed to be a better support system for students interested in careers in technological fields. In 2002, the Pennsylvania Technology Student Association and Foundation, Incorporated (“PA-TSA, Inc.”) was organized and incorporated as a not-for-profit organization in Pennsylvania.

In recent years, PA-TSA, Inc. has renewed its focus on the work of the Foundation and developed a donation policy and structure to help subsidize conference attendance for PA-TSA students and provide post-secondary scholarships for student members. The mission of PA-TSA, Inc. is to foster personal growth, leadership and opportunities in technology, innovation, design and engineering. Members apply and integrate science, technology, engineering and mathematics (“STEM”) concepts through co-curricular activities, competitive events and related programs. Please see to learn more about our mission and goals.

The Foundation is currently soliciting support from individuals and companies in any relevant technological fields in which our students compete and participate or related career areas that our students pursue. We believe that the students need be exposed at an early age to the companies that make up the backbone of STEM fields in Pennsylvania.

For federal income taxation purposes, PA-TSA, Inc. is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) incorporated association. Donors may deduct contributions.

Checks should be made payable and mailed to:
75 Acomo Drive
Dillsburg PA, 17019

Best Regards,
Michael Flowers

Michael Flowers
PA-TSA Foundation Treasurer